Tea Break

 So much to do!

I haven’t had too much time to sew and my current project – a pretty classic dress with raglan sleeves (why did I think that would be fun=pain) – but I had to stop by JoAnn’s with a friend and stumbled upon the most gorgeous fabric.  Prepare yourself.


So…I bought 3 yards.  Enough to make a pretty skirt and some bows to match.  And it will be simple enough that I can take some little breaks from my bonnet for millinery class


and my sleeves for my tailoring class


to sew a little for me and make a pretty, new Lolita tea skirt.

Here is what my pattern looks like, Photoshop Edition:

tea skirt pattern

I’ll throw a simple 1.5″ waistband on it and some trim.  Yeah!  Sewing is fun.